Assessment, examination and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders based on the principles of the Maitland Concept of Manipulative Physiotherapy.
This is a part time postgraduate educational programme in manipulative physiotherapy. The overall aim of the programme is to equip learners with clinical problem solving and manual skills and therefore enhance clinical practice in the manipulative physiotherapy management of patients with neuromusculoskeletal disorders.
gathering of clinical evidence and consequent adaptation of treatment procedures.
The programme consists of 11-week training course over a total of 440 hours. The course consists of four modules.. Completion of all modules is considered to be essential for sound clinical practice within the Maitland Concept.
Level 1 – foundations of manual therapy- 4 weeks.
Level 2a – underpinning concepts and developing skills- 2 weeks.
Level 2b – advanced skills and reasoning- 2 weeks.
Level 3 – integrating approaches- 3 weeks.
IMTA Accreditation Examination- 1 day
Programme Learning Objectives
The learner will explore, critically evaluate, and develop ideas and use evidence relating to:
- The role of manipulative physiotherapy based on the principles of the Maitland®
- Concept in clinical practice within a biopsychosocial framework.
- The integration of other NMS approaches with the Maitland Concept for the management and rehabilitation of NMS dysfunction.
- Clinical reasoning, assessment, examination and treatment procedures of patients with NMS dysfunction.
- The role and application of mobilisation and manipulation (Grade V) as well as selfmanagement programmes for arthrogenic, myogenic, soft tissue and neurodynamic conditions, and neurophysiological pain mechanisms.
- Underpinning theoretical knowledge with regards to manipulative physiotherapy, levels of scientific evidence and the relation to clinical practice.
- Clinical patterns and their specific role in clinical decision making processes with regards to manipulative physiotherapy and management of NMS of movement disorders.
An IMTA Certificate of Attendance will be awarded for each module on completion. Learners who have acquired this IMTA Certificate may register with IMTA as an IMTA accredited manipulative physiotherapist. Their professional details will be added to IMTA’s register and published at
Why to consider attending maitalnd courses:
- The learning process is embedded in a learning environment of active participation, which includes self-directed and teacher-guided learning activities.
- Teaching methods include lectures, practical demonstrations and hands-on practice, clinical case examples, clinical reasoning exercises, patient demonstrations and clinical supervised practice and learner verbal presentations.
- learners will receive feedback on individual performance by various kinds of formative and summative assessment throughout all modules.
- The practical application of evidence informed clinical reasoning.
- Open mindedness with regards to other methods and concepts within physiotherapy and medicine.
- Our courses teach physiotherapists to adopt a problem-orientated approach when treating patients with movement dysfunctions. In all of the courses participants examine and treat patients under supervision.
Maitland courses, your first step towards a master degree in manual therapy:
Completion of the entire IMTA training course is worth 30 ECTS points.
As now there is a cooperation between the IMTA and:
The University of Applied Science Osnabrück (Germany)
The “Physiozentrum für Weiterbildung” in Vienna. Master Course – MSc Physiotherapy Management.
Sheffield Hallam University. MSc Manual Therapy Program
course members who have finished the Level 3 IMTA program and passed the final exam, can enrol in this master programs using the points/ credits they had from the program to complete the chosen master programs.
Maitland official courses are organized by primephysio UK in Dubai , December 2017- September 2018
For more info and booking: