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Women's Pelvic Floor Health


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During this practical session, participants will have the opportunity to examine case studies, learn go assess patients with pelvic floor dysfunction, and apply appropriate treatment plans. By the end of the course, participants will feel confident in interviewing patients, assessing their conditions, and creating personalized treatment plans to help these female patients achieve optimal health.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to enhance your skills and become a leader in women's health. Join us for this innovative course and discover how you can make a difference in the lives of your patients. Enroll now and take the first step towards a rewarding career in women's health!

This is a course that combines an online distance learning component that covers pelvic anatomy and normal function and a two-day intensive practical session that explores evidence-based management and the role of a women's health specialist.



Heba I. Fuad


Course Preview

Course Content :

A- Online Module Content

  1. Introduction to women’s health & pelvic floor health

  2. Anatomy.

  3. Pelvic floor evaluation.

  4. PF terminology & muscle test.

B- Pelvic Floor Health Module

A) Urinary incontinence:

  • Types and behavioral approaches

  • Pelvic floor exercises

  • Practical module

  • Case study

B) Lower bowel dysfunction:

  • Fecal incontinence & PT management

  • Constipation management

  • Practical module

  • Case studies

C) POP ( Pelvic Organ Prolapse )

  • Practical module

  • Case studies

Who can attend:

  • Physiotherapists (graduates and interns)

  • Medical doctors


For registration and payment please contact primephysio organizer in Lebanon



For inquiries & booking

please contact primephysio organizer in Lebanon

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